

Phyllis  - I wanted to write you to thank you once again for the article you wrote about year ages ago.  Honestly, I wanted to apologize also.  I hesitated at first to do the interview at the time you contacted me because frankly I felt like not that many potential members might see the piece. I've always tried to limit our media and outreach work to sources where I thought we would reach potential members - not to become a Samoly Mam figure.  But my "gut" told me to move forward with the interview any way and now years later I've become even more grateful on a whole other level. I haven't really kept you updated - but the trafficking movement i started back in 1984 was "hijacked" not just in my opinion, but also the opinion of the author of the Trafficking Act of 2000 Michael Horowitz.  It got hijacked in 2004 by the faith based community if you read the revisions of the TVRA of 2004 is when all the problems s


I challenge anyone to find anything negative printed about by an actual member of this program anywhere online, or in the media PRIOR to April of 2015.  That is when we first saw the "triple threat" of Domina Elle, Maxine Doogan, and Bella Robinson, combine forces to start a campaign to raise money for a woman going by the fake name of "Kamylla" who supposedly had appeared on the so called reality series "8 Minutes".  This was a woman who supposedly wanted to quit the sex industry who had asked the producers of a show that was asking her to pretend to be rescued from sex work to supposedly actually help her in reality.  I find it hard to believe that if she's being asked to act out an elaborate ruse for the public about a fake rescue outreach team that isn't real that she would actually expect to get any help from these same people to actually leave sex work in reality. I mean follow my logic - if I'm hired to pret


Has anyone else noticed that in his own way Bruce was trying to alert us to the problem of sex trafficking in his films?  I remember one movie where the women were being used like furniture as prostitutes, and the other where the women were being kept in cages that he freed.  Bruce Lee was such a pioneer!  Not only did he break all the rules by bringing the martial arts to the masses and not just the Chinese born, but he also taught us about health (he recovered from a broken back to fight again and was doing protein shakes before anyone else had even heard of such things), and lo and behold he was even trying to let us know about the reality that sex trafficking still existed in his day through his films.  Mind you when these films were coming out - sex trafficking was being viewed as as "urban myth" - something that had gone by the history wayside.


First of all, when I first heard  Dr.  Pinsky was going to be admitting sex workers into treatment on his show "Celebrity Rehab" I knew they were going to have difficulty in finding sobriety without addressing these specific issues. To my knowledge, no one on his staff, nor himself personally, have contacted us for information on how to work with sex workers effectively in finding sobriety, their unique challenges, bought any of our literature such as our "Recovery Guide" or training manual for professionals, nor have I been asked to provide any training to him or his staff as I have with other treatment centers across this country who were finding that sex workers achieving long lasting sobriety were having an almost 100 percent failure rate in achieving sobriety. Contrary to the popular mainstream male thinking - these issues are NOT "sex addiction" related and they do require contact with other ex-sex workers just as you would not even think of help


People who are new to this field don't understand why I insist there is a difference between "pimping" and "trafficking".  To follow along in audio - Take a look at a very famous pimp - Iceberg Slim.  If you want to know more about his life there's a book out he wrote called "Pimp". For a more modern version you might have seen on TV - look at  Bishop Don Juan.  This is a man who did try and leave being a pimp for a while.  In fact, he even founded a church that did outreach to pimps.   I did a Jerry Springer show with him in fact where he came on still dressing, acting, speaking, like a pimp.  I pulled him over backstage and told him "walk like a duck, quack like a duck and sooner or later you're going to sprout webbed feet" suggesting that if he didn't start changing everything about his life that he would return.  Which he did.  There was a splash on MTV where he announced he had gone back to


Dear Constable Herman: I read and yes you will find 99 % of prostitutes are "unwilling" to even speak to anyone in authority about receiving help. It was that way in 1987 when I launched the first hotline and program in this country originally called Prostitutes Anonymous which we renamed to Sex Workers Anonymous in 1995. We didn't just launch this to launch it. We also saw that the police, social services, etc. were "powerless" to offer us help. After so many times of offering help, taking these women away from their pimps - only to find them returning right back to the same situation - the system had given up on us. The same as they used to view addicts and alcoholics at one time. With the invention of AA - the courts learned that the problem with alcoholics isn't that they didn't want help but that they had a "disease". Once proper

LETTER TO POLICE ONE Dear Nicole: One of our members sent me this article about Live Nation.  I guarantee you there's more to this story than meets the eye.  I would assume off duty cops have a permit to carry a gun for one thing. For another, I came to know Live Nation in a weird way.  In 2003, Snoop Dogg was traveling the USA on a Playboy tour on what I call a "pimp revival".  He would sweep into town, have young women come onto the RV (so he wasn't on hotel grounds), and then ask them to "fulfill his fantasy by turning a trick for him as their pimp".  The tricks were NFL players.  This is a young woman by herself in an RV full of drunken, stoned, wealthy famous men, one of who has a murder charge behind him he beat.  He claims b


Jody Williams, Founder & Director ofSex Workers Anonymous (702) 468-4529 Telephone December 11, 2015 Dear Sponsors of HB262: I'm writing you as the founder of the modern day sex trafficking movement itself, as well as the founder of the first hotline for adults to call for help to leave the sex industry, and the 12 step program. You can verify this statement with news clips at . I also co-founded the Program for Female Offenders in Allentown, PA in 1989. The so called “brothel” in the newspaper was in reality the first safe house for adults I'd put next to the police station for safety's sake. I had put a woman whose pimp had just broken her arm and nose in the warehouse so she'd be safe there. In the 1980's, prostitutes weren't admitted at domestic violence shelters so she had nowhere else safe to go. In retaliation, he reported us “operating a brothel”. We got it all sorted ou


You don't have to "condone" something to want to regulate it in some fashion.  Look at guns for one example.  Many people don't condone guns - but they can agree some gun control is needed.   "Legalization" of prostitution is not going to solve the issue of "regulation" or even "monitoring" of prostitution.  Why?  To obtain a license one has to be disease free and not have a criminal record.  Guess what?  Those who have diseases and felony records PROSTITUTE.  So they will not get a license to work within a legal brothel.   Also, there will also be clients who want total discretion.  Meaning they won't want to go into a legal brothel where they can be recorded, and documented.  There are clients who don't want ANYONE to know their business - so they will always pay more to a prostitute to see them outside of the legal brothel.   Which is why ANYWHERE there is "legalized" prostitution you have an increase in traffic


First of all - I'm trying to talk about 30 years of work in the area of sex trafficking in this letter so it's going to be long.  If you care about Prop 47 working, and also reducing the number of inmates being incarcerated who don't have to be - then I assure you reading this letter to the end will be worth your time.  If you're on a phone instead of a computer - please switch to a computer or print this out to read. Complex problems such as sex trafficking aren't solved in 140 characters on twitter, five minute conversations, or hashtags.  So please read this letter to hear from the oldest and largest program of sex trafficking survivors on the issue of mass incarceration - as well as from the group who founded the first alternative to sentencing program for prostitutes in Los Angeles.  Our members are wanting to maintain their "personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films" so to hear from them I've prepared this letter. Who am I?  If