
Showing posts with the label Shawnee Love

MORE CATFISHING EVERY DAY  Time to remind everyone she's still out there and still conning people.  Beware!


  I warned Shawnee that if she didn't take these lies down - that I would create this post.  She did - but then reposted it a few days later when she thought I wasn't looking.  I keep my word - so here's what happened. I run the hotline as you know and have since 1987.  When I hear about new people - I invite them to come speak at our phone meeting, or to be on our radio show at   To date, the only people who have refused to be on this show, or speak at a phone meeting, have turned out to be either completely fake "survivors" or up to some kind of con artistry as well.  Clearly they refuse because they know you can't "bullshit a bullshitter" and we'd see straight through them if they did.  Well, I invited Shawnee and she refused - so she went onto my radar as possibly having an issue about credibility then. I didn't think anything about it until I saw her running for an award in Ohio where sh