
Showing posts with the label history of prostitution


I was watching that pawn shop show and this woman brings in a conductor's baton that was signed by the Red Rooster Brothel.  Next thing I know I'm hearing that after WWI the government started building military bases in the USA.  The towns evidently objected to having the bases in their town for fear it would bring brothels into town to "serve" the soldiers.  I'm then hearing that this is why prostitution was outlawed in every city just about except Nye and Storey County in Nevada is because our government wanted to build bases. Curious if this was why our government puts on this "face" about objecting to prostitution while I know for a fact they use it as part of their intelligence gathering, as well as to "seal deals", including raise cash which I saw happen during Iran Contra in the 1980's - I went online to do a little homework.  Sure enough I find this article - People