
Showing posts with the label Alameda District Attorney


Dear Ms. O'Malley: Lois Lee, founder and director of Children of the Night, and I have known each other since she founded her program in 1979.  In fact, it was because she cut off help at 18 years of age - I had to resort to taking my own steps to help adult trafficking victims in Los Angeles during a time when not only did the world not believe we even existed - but that we were experiencing a record epidemic of serial killers targeting prostitutes of all ages, HIV/AIDS was raging, and the country was being flooded with crack cocaine.  During Iran Contra, and with the south central gangs having suddenly money in truck loads - there was also a related upswing in sex trafficking.   This was why I set up the warehouse spoken of in my arrest in 1984 here at   Now granted the whole thing blew up when an angry pimp called the police and claimed it was a brothel.  To try and explain it was not a brothel was difficult because again you have to realize the