

I have an interview up with a woman who says she was "trafficked" starting when she was only four years old at  The man was her grandfather who was part of the military she says.  I have recently met another survivor who told me an almost identical story.  Their stories speak about how they were put into child pornography and child sex parties that then led them into being trafficking victims.  Once they're "broken in" - the pimps view these as "easy pickin's". Then who is going to listen to the word of a "junkie whore" right? Which I saw as a tactic back in the 1970's and 80's when I witnessed two cousins who were pimps do the same deal.  They would literally kidnap women off the streets as they were walking to school, or the corner store, etc.  Then after holding them hostage, beating them, raping them, torturing them, etc.  - they then put the women into a motel room.  Once in the room they would t

Letter to Frank Girardot of the Pasadena Star News

Dear Mr. Girardot: I read your article about how “investigative journalism” isn’t dead yet.  No it isn’t and thank the heavens it’s not or we’re in real trouble.  I say that because back in the 1980’s - no one believed that sex trafficking was “real”.  To speak about the subject then was received about as well as someone saying Bill Cosby had raped all those women in the 1980’s.  The Telecommunications Act of 1995 hadn’t been passed yet - so when I was able to step up starting in 1987 to raise awareness this was real, it was happening to US citizens on US soil, and that we needed to change our legal and mental health system to help these victims I was heard.  We were able to run public service announcements, get interviews on major media, and I even produced a weekly public access show with survivors telling their stories.  The result?  The Trafficking Act of 2000 was passed giving us federal recognition of domestic sex trafficking. Back in 2013 I received a call from a wo

PASADENA POLICE   Unlawful entry  Unlawful entry   I'm not sure what this means.  I have to do more homework on what this guy is saying.   Lot of links here to things going on in Pasadena, California with respect to corruption and cover-ups.  interesting article about Pasadena.


Look carefully at this case general public.  I've been trying to warn you for a while now that a multinational trafficking operation that has one link in the chain in Nevada has been doing a lot more than just trafficking the prostitutes.  They also attract in wealthy, famous, and/or powerful "johns".  Then they are drugged and robbed.  Their bank accounts sometimes get hacked into.  One of them told me they tried to rob his Amex card for $60,000.  Another told me they got him for $140,000. When they go to the police - they are cautioned that "if this hits the press - it could ruin either (1) your career, (2) your marriage, (3) your reputation" to convince them to not press charges.  When they go to the DA's office - they usually wind up threatened with some kind of charge filed against them. We saw a beautiful set-up with Donald Burns by the way.  He was cautioned not to go to the police.  Because of his wealth and status - he managed to push the issue.

I got an email from some members of Sex Workers Anonymous about the site.  One of them told me that to "test the honesty" of the site she tried to post a comment about how we had helped her.  The comment was not posted.  Of course not.  There is a difference between a "smear" and a honest review site.  Welcome to how modern "business" which includes the "business of trafficking" works. Here's an example of what I mean by this  and Let's get real here - there is MILLIONS of dollars out there in federal funding and also donations to work with "trafficking victims".  There are also traffickers at large who are like Chris Butler and Kemp Schiffer as well as men like Dennis Hof who are in the "legal pimp" game with a business to protect.  I have called to "" and "Shut Down Nevada Brothel

CANARIES IN THE MINE In the old mining days - miners used to send a canary into the mine ahead of humans.  If the canary died - they knew there was a gas leakage and to get out of there.  So the term "canary in the mine" is the smallest weakest one is your warning sign. Hitler didn't rise overnight.  He started out gaining control over the press by attacking the pornographers.  No one cared about them.  So they let the freedom of speech and press go - and he gained control over the media. He didn't start up with the gas chambers.  He started with a group of disabled and retarded children no one cared about because they were in a home.  No one cared and let it go.  Then he put the Jews into the Ghetto.  When no one complained - then he knew no one would care if they were gone. "Prostitutes" are the canary in the mine.  Take a look at this case.  Another police


Step up and SHUT THEM DOWN. In the 1980's, no one listened to me that the prostitutes in Joe's brothel were saying women were "disappearing" and being beaten at the Mustang Ranch.  We had to bring in the IRS to get him shut down. In the 1990's, no one listened to me that others were being drugged, beaten, raped and trafficked in the brothels.  No one cared that the women said it was men in uniform who were doing this to them either.  Nor that they had no way of reporting who was doing this to them either.   In the 2000's, no one was listening to me about their expansion into sex trafficking and crime networks reaching across this country, and even into other countries.  Chris Butler did not work alone.  There were many officers and many investigators - selling drugs taken out of evidence rooms even, and using police cars to transport the contra