
Meet the Sex Workers Who Lawmakers Don't Believe Exist

To: From: Subject: PROSTITUTION ARTICLE Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 10:51:40 -0700 Dear Sydney: Might I ask why we were not consulted with this article?  We are the people who started this whole debate in the first place is why I ask. Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, we were viewed only and solely as either sexual deviants, drug addicts, or criminals.  I know because those were the only categories first of all where I could find research on prostitution.  There wasn’t even a category at the UCLA medical research library for the subject – only drug addiction, sexual abnormality, and criminal behavior.   There certainly wasn’t even the idea someone could be “addicted” to the sex industry in the same manner as someone was addicted to drugs being that back then there wasn’t even the concept of sexual addiction, gambli


For people who want to sit back and say "oh Jody is trying to make money" - please please explain that to me. First of all, I do not have any basket passed at our meetings.  Why?  Because if any person at that meeting is engaged in illegal prostitution and we accept money from them then we're guilty of a felony crime of "pimping".  Now can I sit there and ask every meeting leader to demand a financial accounting from the members?  No because to do so would be incriminating them.  So we do not pass any basket at meetings UNLIKE every other 12 step program I'm aware of who does.  AA passes the basket.  NA passes the basket.  Sexaholics Anonymous passes the basket.  Gamblers Anonymous passes the basket.  We do not.  So we have no basket donation income ever period anywhere. Second, we have a copy of our first edition "Recovery Guide" on LuLu for $4.95.  Out of that, we net about $3.50.  In the TOTAL time that book has been listed on LuLu - we have


I started helping women wanting to escape the legal brothels of Nevada in 1988.  Back then it was to get away from Joe Conforte, who was the owner of the Mustang Ranch at first.  When the Shady Lady opened up - it was owned by the Hell's Angel's. So the women wanted away from them, their pimps, or the tricks who would know they could rape these women without them calling the cops.  So guys who liked to rape women violently were being allowed to come there and do what they wanted according to what I heard knowing they wouldn't be able to call the cops about him. Heck, one told me it was a cop who was raping her when working there!  The guy who was the cop who was supposed to pick up the HIV/AIDS test results weekly she told me was allowed to do what he wnated with the women in exchange for not taking in the test kit.   You can hear her tell the story of what she went through there here -


People who like to prey on children you can try and screen out of working with children.  But what do you do to screen out sexual predators who like to prey upon those labeled "prostitutes" or "crazy".  You are aware that if a woman is on heavy medications, is labeled "crazy", that when raped her testimony means basically zero in court correct? When these "professionals" and AA people started coming in pushing us away from working with our members, so they could replace us with them, we had to wonder at first what the results would be.  Well those results are in.   We're hearing about widespread sexual abuse by these predators.  I'm hearing on our hotline call after call after call about women who are being preyed upon sexually by police officers, doctors, CHP, prosecutors, social workers, counselors, and especially men in the AA and NA rooms lately. I'm going to show you an ad that's very common in the mental health field, an


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