

One of the biggest functions we handle in Sex Workers Anonymous is that of the job situation.  Because we're arrested for prostitution (in some form or another), then that shows on our record when looking for work.  When we're in the press - it's even worse.  That's why when I hear about one of us in the press - I know not only are they no longer going to be able to work in the sex industry but they also are going to have a really hard time finding work.  For this reason, we've collected a list of jobs and employers that either don't care about this type of thing, or that bypasses it.  For example, there's some jobs such as transcription, or taking plane reservations by phone as a home worker - where you don't meet your employer "face to face" so that if you did get your face plastered on the news it won't block you from finding work. I assure you however very few are open about hiring sex workers.  In fact, if someone does throw out hand


After I was freed from my own trafficking situation, I returned to sex work as an "outlaw" as they were called in my day.   When word spread I was working as a "free agent", that's when a LAPD owned prostitution operation tried to get me to work with them.  I refused and they slapped me into jail as a "set up".  Five minutes after coming home from the Beverly Hills police station on bail, I got a call from them letting me know it was them who set me up.   I tried running and found myself embroiled in what is now known as "Iran Contra".  This was when our CIA was bringing cocaine into this country for sale - while blaming the African American gangs for the epidemic.  I would literally got to a boat at the pier while a white man had a truck loaded with the coke which needed processing.  I would then drive the truck into Compton for this, and then again drop at crack houses.  Then I'd go home to watch the news take a battering ram to an Afri


Below is a comment we put on SWOP's site in support of decriminalization of prostitution on their site. Sex Workers Anonymous as a 12 step program is not supposed to "have an opinion on an outside issue".  However, we feel this issue of criminalization is an "inside" issue just as it would affect Alcoholics Anonymous if prohibition were to be brought back into law.  Our group is the one who founded the modern day anti-sex trafficking movement. We formed as a 12 step program so that victims of trafficking could be offered an "alternative to incarceration" instead of being treated like criminals in a world that didn't believe there even was such a thing.   Because prostitution is still a crime in all but a few counties in the USA - the religious right came and "backlashed" our movement by coining the terms "trafficking victim" to make it appear there's two different kinds of "victims". Only there isn't.  Th


Ever since the TVRA of 2003 got passed - I've been scratching my head trying to figure out what on earth happened.  Did the world get turned upside down?  Did I suddenly change into another person? I know I'm really glad my sponsors taught me how to "inventory" whether or not something really is me or not me as part of my 10th step - because it's been not only what's saved my sanity - but it's allowed me to get to the bottom of what's been going on. What I mean by that is that by 2002- we had built not only our program into a truly national program, but we had created a movement.  There was the womens' movement, the civil rights' movement, the movement for rape victims to have ALL forms of rape recognized as real - meaning that even "date rape" and "spousal rape" was real.  The rape movement had to happen because there was a time literally when if you were married to the man who brutally raped you - then you couldn't p


This video is about a NY cop who was also trafficking at least 10 women, including driving them on calls.  It's for reasons like this, that we promote our hotline which is for those who are afraid of others that are connected to the police.  Our hotline is not connected to the police in any fashion, and all calls are confidential.  The resources we use bypass the ability of the police to find you once you leave.  We can do this because we're all survivors here - we receive no federal funding therefore they can't access our records or resources.  If you need help - you can get it at


Enclosed please find a submission for an op-ed, an editorial, letter to the editor, or any other way I might be able to get this published!  I can also edit these if needed - your call.  I submitted two different forms, and gave myself room to edit whatever you think I should edit.   Yes I am the founder of the sex trafficking movement.  I can validate this with news clips at .  While Wilber Wilberforce founded the anti-slavery movement in the 1700's - I can assure you the sex trafficking movement was dead when I was a victim myself in the 1970's and 80's.   Not only did nothing exist in the 70's and early 80's to help me anywhere in this country, the world didn't even believe what I was going through was even real - let alone did they have any programs for us to run to for safety then.  This was before Gary Webb validated that Iran Contra was real, before Chuck Barris had confirmed he was a CIA operative who used the &quo


We have a new meeting in Pensacola Florida now.  If you'd like to attend one in that city - just give us a call for contact information.  One thing - this is a "panel" meeting meaning it's not run by a member.  You can attend a meeting, get materials, and basically it's a "presentation" of our program and materials being led by a non-member.  You can still however attend a meeting of only members at our phone meetings.  Your confidentiality is still guaranteed at this meeting since the woman leading it is a minister and therefore what's said to her and in front of her stays with her.