

Come on - things like this article on "jail house snitches" are nothing new.   In fact, this computer system keeping track of "confidential informants" out of Orange County has been used by not only California police, sheriff's, cops, and DA's, but also Nevada's.   You can verify this as fact right here -   This shows there's even files on "porn stars" in this database system. I want you to now put yourself in my shoes here for a moment.   Read up on Chris Butler.   This  is a man who was not only a retired respected cop from Orange County, but


Dear Ms. Martinez: I appreciate your wanting to get involved to do something about the prostitution issue in Los Angeles. /   But please - if you're going to try and take on helping an alcoholic - it would be advisable to include Bill Wilson and Alcoholics Anonymous who made treatment for alcoholics available.  Prior to AA's founding by Bill Wilson - the world viewed it as a vice and a lack of moral fiber. It was also a disease that had a 100 percent fatality rate.  There was no treatment or recovery before AA.  The alcoholic used to be put into wet farms or sanitariums until they died from liver failure or wet brain.  No therapist, church, prohibition, etc. made a single dent in the issue until Bill Wilson stepped up.  Yes they tried "pledges" where men would promise not to drink again, and even prohibition.  It wasn't working


The world of recovery is a very confusing world.  Well heck the world itself is a confusing place.  Let's say you're still "new" in recovery and you're trying to figure out what to do to help yourself get what you want.  You don't know what or who to believe.  I don't care who or what you are - you will always have people who love something and support it and others who attack it strongly.  You don't know who to believe.  I know exactly how you feel because I was the same way.  What made it even harder for me is the fact the outside world didn't even acknowledge most of what I was living was real - let alone did I have a clue what might help me or not help me. Why?  Because I never saw anyone leave where I was.  In the early 1980's I was involved in a lot of things.  I was involved in the sex industry at a level way beyond the stereotypical image of a street prostitute with a street pimp.  I was literally watching women being sold and then lo



---------- Forwarded message ---------- From:  Jody Williams   <> Date: Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 12:51 AM Subject: SEX TRAFFICKING To: Dear Kenneth: We knew this was coming  http://latino.foxnews. com/latino/politics/2015/11/ 25/federal-officials-placed- young-migrants-with-convicted- criminals-senators-say/  the minute we were shut out of the system entirely a few years ago.  We found anyone working within the human trafficking arena reporting to us they were told they would be fired if they so much as spoke to us, let alone told any victims about our program Sex Workers Anonymous (formerly Prostitutes Anonymous). A program which by the way founded this movement itself.  Those who fought this because of having years of working successfully with us on this issue were in fact fired.  When I started hearing from social workers, police officers, shelter workers, etc., that they were being told specifically not to speak to us an


SEX WORKERS ANONYMOUS (formerly Prostitutes Anonymous) STEP WORKSHOP SERIES Come walk through the process of “working the steps” of SWA. Learn how it is the same as other programs, as well as where it differs. We can guarantee that your life will be changed once you walk through the process of learning how to apply the steps and traditions in “all your affairs”. This is a life changing series so you must be willing to go through from start to finish. There is no cost but it will be recorded so that others will be able to learn how to apply them who are in jail, shelters, residential programs, or far away rural communities who can't access a sponsor. This is a 24 week series – going through the 12 steps and then the 12 traditions. If you are suffering from post-prostitution syndrome – this series will definitely show you the way out. Starts Friday, December 4 t , 2015 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (4:00 p.m. Eastern) (We will break for December


Dear Nancy and Carla: I moved back to Los Angeles last year because of three major reasons.  The first being the trafficking victims I was speaking to who are informing me they are being falsely arrested, threatened, and even outright trafficked by people within law enforcement.  When Chris Butler and another officer were finally arrested in 2013 - the ring itself they were a part of was not shut down.  RICO laws were invented for these reasons - you can take out one or two players but if the network itself is left operating nothing changes.  I have information as to where the heads of this ring reside and do business, that I'm trying to get the authorities to look at and address because things have changed with respect to our work with victims of this ring.   In the past, we've been able to extract victims from trafficking rings that utilized law enforcement.  However, with the new technology it's become impossible to do with the more sophisticated rings.  Leavin