

Jody Williams, Founder & Director Sex Workers Anonymous (702) 468-4529 Telephone and (888) 253-9619 Toll Free August 12, 2015 Re: Grant Awarding Greetings: I'm writing you as the founder of the modern day sex trafficking movement. I can say that because I spent years searching for a way out of the sex industry for myself, and also for those who I saw being pimped and trafficked as well. There is a difference. The only program I could find in the 1980's that even understood what the differences were – as well as having a solution for them - was Children of the Night formed in 1979. They had a hotline they created which was different for teens than the Runaway Hotline in recognition that a certain sub-population would be either having to run from a pimp or they would be treated differently by the juvenile system because of being identified as a prostitute. However, the cut-off age for them was 18 years old and I was in my 20&


Here's a clip -   I heard about this movie on Pacifica Radio.  The one Kamala Harris is threatening to shut down after they targeted them for audit I think because my ex-husband, who I never speak to anymore by the way, is on their board.  So trust me Kamala - you won. / Kenneth Konz - the targeting of a public radio station with an audit forces them to try and only air things during the audit that will "appease the God's" so to speak so they don't lose their funding.  I find it interesting that this whole audit process started about 2007-2008 - right about the same time the sex trafficking movement got entirely hijacked by people who also want to make so sure that people like myself don't get one minute of air time - they will put all these resources behind them to make sure a few voices ar


I thought it was weird that Linkedin turned around and locked me out of our account with no warning and no reason.  They then said that I could "fax them a copy of my drivers license" and once I "verified that I was Jody Williams" then they would release the account.  Now I had evidence in there on active sex trafficking cases I'm working on - but they just locked me out.  Now with everyone being hacked into from Social Security, to the VA to Target - they want me to fax them a copy of my ID? I told them it wasn't safe to send them anything over the wires and to keep in their files with my ID card on it.  They countered with "well you can put your thumb over your ID # and just send us your photo on the card". Okay but that's not sending them anything but my photo.  I work very hard at keeping any current photos of me off line because I have been threatened more than once.  I had a mechanic tell me my brakes had been tampered with once to fa


I will remind those new to this blog that I'm the founder of this modern day domestic sex trafficking movement before I begin this post.  If you check the news clippings at you will see that I was the first person who stepped up in 1987 - which was 13 YEARS before the Trafficking Act of 2000 was written to tell the public that (1) sex trafficking was real and happening today not something of the past as was believed at the time, (2) I set up the first hotline for adult victims to call for help (second only to the Children of the Night hotline that had been set up for teens in 1979), (3) the first program for people leaving the sex industry, some of who had been trafficked, could find help to move on with their lives to another level, and (4) calling for our country to stop treating these victims like criminals and instead HELP us.  So in other words - I'm the Bill Wilson of the alcoholism movement who founded Alcoholics Anonymous.  You need to understand