
Showing posts with the label Beth Jacobs


Beth Jacobs is a woman living in Arizona.  When we first heard about her - she told us she was the founder of "Willow Way" in Tucson, and that she was providing counseling for women who had been detained through Project Rose through Cactus Counseling Center.  Cactus Counseling was providing counseling through a contract they'd received for this purpose. I had just moved into this one apartment when I first spoke to Beth - so it had to be about December of 2012 - January of 2013.  I remember because I was still unpacking.  I then did not get a cell phone until March of 2013 - so it probably was about March or April of 2013 that I first spoke to her.  People had been telling me that Beth had been very hostile towards us and I had no idea why.  I've never spoken to her and since I understood the program she had worked with back east used our "Prostitutes Anonymous" meetings with success I was