

In 2005, I was approached by a man who came to my regular "home group" of Narcotics Anonymous in Las Vegas.  Everyone who was in NA for some time knew I was a member of the program, and also if they knew me they knew I already went to the midnight Saturday night meeting on 3rd and Bridger.  I often took men and women I was working with there when they'd have trouble sleeping on a Saturday night in early recovery from drugs and sex work. I came out of the meeting to find my car wouldn't start.  A handsome young man offered to help me start the car who had been at the meeting.  I allowed him to and he got it started.  I later learned he had gone out during the meeting to rig the car to fail in order to get to know me.  He then said he'd come by and finish looking at it at my house the next day and offered to follow me home to make sure I got home okay.  How caring! My mother went into surgery a few days later and didn't wake up for ten days.  My husband had


I first found the blog "Tits & Sass" in 2007.  I had been sucked into helping Melissa Farley do a report (so she claimed at the time) for the State Dept., and a related press conference, which was held in September of 2007.  You can read about that report, and conference, at As I've said before, after the room was filled with reporters, I had been hooked up to the microphone, and we were about to go on stage, Melissa pulled me over to the side.  She asked me if I would make two statements from the podium.  The first was that "all prostitution was rape".  The second was that all sex workers were in some fashion a "victim".  Third, that all forms of sex work needed to be "abolished" or "outlawed.   I explained to her not only did I not personally agree with these claims, but that if I were to do so I'd lose all my credibility for speaking my personal truth.  Anyone who knows me know I speak the truth as to w

LETTER TO SAVANNAH SLY OF SWOP The problem Savannah when you cut off talking to someone who has been in the same field as you for more than 37 years now as I have, is that sometimes, just sometimes, we know a little bit more about the game, and the players, than you.  I came to you as an ally, and as an ex-sex worker which one day you will probably be yourself.  Very few people die in this field.  You listened to rumors about me, prejudged and hung me, without so much as one personal meeting or phone call with me to see for yourself who and what I am.  Considering that’s exactly the kind of treatment sex workers are trying to get the non-sex workers to stop doing to them – then you’re treating me like you’re not wanting others to treat us.  I have success in leading a movement from non-existence totally in this country to now one of the biggest movements this country has seen in our lifetime other than the civil rights mov

IF I'M SO CRAZY - WHY DOES THE PRESS KEEP COMING OUT WITH MORE AND MORE STORIES ABOUT WHAT i'M SAYING BEING TRUE? What have I been saying since 2013? I've said that when I call the human trafficking task forces, or police, for help with a trafficking case, I get ignored. When I push to get some help - I then get threatened.  Why? I'm being told it's because those within the trafficking system are now the traffickers, or working with the traffickers, which makes them part of the ring. That when other people have tried to report trafficking they're witnessing, they get ignored. When they push, they then get threatened with an arrest, a restraining order and/or a 5150 emergency psychiatric hold if they don't "back off" trying to get help for a victim of trafficking who came to them for help - and then they came to me where I told them I was having the same problem. Last year I asked a private investigator who works on trafficking cases if he's b


She told me to "respect her boundary" and not speak to her about the Seattle arrests.  My response was: The MINUTE you start butting into an issue about sex trafficking involving an operation that I'm pulling women out of to safety is the minute YOU butted into MY BOUNDARY dear Mary.   You can't come sit on my head, crap on top of it, and then when I say "you crapped on my head now clean it up" go running for the "respect my boundary" issue.  Now on the off chance you have no idea what's really going on here you need to read the news story on this link … http://traffickin there-is-is-proof-of-what-ive.html   …   What is speaks about is a sex trafficking operation I've been helping sex workers escape since 2007. I tried to help these women in Las Vegas and I managed to get the American women out but not the Chinese women.  They were being kept captive in a house that sin

WHOOP - THERE IS IS - PROOF OF WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING   First, read this article to understand what I'm about to say. Now, what have I been saying since 2013?  I've been saying the trafficking task forces, the police, Homeland Security, and other agencies that we're supposed to be able to turn to for help with REAL trafficking cases has been: 1.     Refusing to take the reports. 2.     Immediately after trying to make the reports - we've been threatened by either/or a police officer, a private investigator, or an attorney to essentially "back off". 3.     When we have refused to back off, then when we've continued to talk to real victims we're then threatened with a restraining order, an arrest, or a 5150 psychiatric cart off to who knows where. This has been happening to not just me, but other people who have come to me saying they had the same thing happen to them. Then w

JACQUELINE HOMAN - JEWISH SEX TRAFFICKING SURVIVOR There are a lot of interviews up with survivors who are part of the Christian church.  However, Jewish women can be victims also.  Sex Workers Anonymous is not a religious program, although it is a spiritual program.  One of our co-founders, Jaime, was Jewish.  We have men and women of all religious belief's, and none.  The choice of a higher power is individual within the 12 step program structure.  Please note the fundraiser Jacqueline was speaking about in the interview is over. We did help her with this through TAPS, not SWA as a 12 step program can not be involved in fund raising.  Within the sex trafficking world, there are not many Jewish based programs who get involved in this issue.  I have seen the Federation of Jewish Women, but the Anti-Defamation League told me in an email they "did not want to discuss sex trafficking" with me whn I wrote in to their main office.