
Showing posts with the label SWOP


The enemy of my enemy is my friend is an ancient  proverb  which suggests that two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy. The earliest known expression of this concept is found in a  Sanskrit  treatise on  statecraft  dating to around the 4th century BC, while the first recorded use of the current English version came in 1884. [1] [2]  Some suggest that the proverb is of  Arabic  origin. [ citation needed ] I look around me to see who "hijacked" the modern day sex trafficking movement and morphed it into the new "war on drugs" only on sex workers and the African American community.   I see the same people, the same tactics, the same names even, in each one of these cases. I see the faked ACORN hidden camera video where a reporter pretended to be a pimp to try and set up Obama to appear to be supportive of sex trafficking.  The reality came out in court that the agent was stalling for the police to arrive by "playing along&quo