
Showing posts with the label Celia Williamson


For people who want to sit back and say "oh Jody is trying to make money" - please please explain that to me. First of all, I do not have any basket passed at our meetings.  Why?  Because if any person at that meeting is engaged in illegal prostitution and we accept money from them then we're guilty of a felony crime of "pimping".  Now can I sit there and ask every meeting leader to demand a financial accounting from the members?  No because to do so would be incriminating them.  So we do not pass any basket at meetings UNLIKE every other 12 step program I'm aware of who does.  AA passes the basket.  NA passes the basket.  Sexaholics Anonymous passes the basket.  Gamblers Anonymous passes the basket.  We do not.  So we have no basket donation income ever period anywhere. Second, we have a copy of our first edition "Recovery Guide" on LuLu for $4.95.  Out of that, we net about $3.50.  In the TOTAL time that book has been listed on LuLu - we have


Our 12 step program, Sex Workers Anonymous, was actually founded in 1987.  There was nothing before us.  Picture this - we had no model to work from.  No "therapist" would even think of putting his name on a book about a subject like prostitution.  Put into perspective the whole concept of "sex trafficking", i.e., "force" was not recognized by anyone outside of the world of the sex industry.  The sex industry treated sex trafficking back then like the world treated child abuse, rape, and domestic violence.  One just didn't talk about it with "outsiders". To understand the sex industry you have to think in terms of a "family" dynamic.  Now what outsiders don't understand is that "pimping" and "trafficking" are two different things.  In the sex industry there is the "pimp/whore" relationship.  It mirrors pretty much a "father - daughter" dynamic.  The "madam" is a mother figure.