

Dear Ms. May: I thought I should introduce myself since it appears you don’t seem to have any researchers who would tell you there has been a hotline operating to help trafficking victims in the UK already for 30 years now this August.  In 1987, I launched the hotline for what was originally called “Prostitutes Anonymous”.  You can read about this at   You can already read there about my arrest in 1984.  The arrest was over the first safe house for adults in the USA.  I had to take matters into my own hands to do this because the world in 1984 didn’t believe sex trafficking was real.  I had just watched Linda Lovelace try everything in her power to make people believe she had been forced to film “Deep Throat” and to prostitute by her husband/pimp on a mob financed film, not a porn, but a mob financed film, only to have no one believe her.  I watched as the anti-porn people sucked her up to try and stamp out pornography rather than to address the issue of bei


To Mr. Cuthbertson: In respect to Has everyone forgot WHY WE STARTED THIS MOVEMENT? It was started by me who was seeing women being sold during Iran Contra for oils deals. Only we had nowhere to go for help because the world didn't believe this was even real. So we created the first safe house in 1984 you can read about at In 1987, I created Prostitutes Anonymous, which was later changed to Sex Workers Anonymous when the internet was born. IT WAS OUR WORK that created the Trafficking Act of 2000 to see this get recognized. Only Randall Tobias came in with the TVRA of 2003 and gave all the money we worked for these victims to have to the church! The church who then used that money for espionage. Google Kay Hiramine and William Boykin if you don't know who they are. Because they're the leaders of who hijacked our movement and put i


When John Meekins first asked to be a "friend" on our facebook page, I noted he was listing his job as a "consultant for the Office of Victims of Crime Training". So I added him, and then tried to open up a dialogue about the trainings we wanted to see done by the Office of Victims of Training.  I got no response from him at all to anything I sent him.  You can see how he's listed for his job there below.  This is taken from a group on Facebook about sex trafficking I'd joined called "Slave Rescue". The last four posts I sent "Slave Rescue" were not posted for some reason.  I went to speak to the admin to find out why and I couldn't find a name for an admin.   I then went to see who was in this group to get a better idea what was going on, and saw John's name as a member of this group.   Only his name rang a bell.  I'd also seen his name on the SWOP blog asking for books to be sent to him to be sent to inmates


There was an event being held in Los Angeles to discuss "fighting sex trafficking" we saw listed on the Polaris Facebook page.   To protect their anonymity, some of our members will post their feelings using my account so it appears to be coming from me.  This is to encourage those who are not used to expressing themselves yet in recovery to do so.  Many of us have been greatly harmed when expressing our feelings by pimps who say "no one cares what you think" and other such statements.  So to be "training wheels" I encourage our members who aren't quite ready yet, or who have their reasons why they don't want to, express their feelings using their own names by using my account.   One of these members saw the event and got pretty upset none of us were invited to attend a meeting about "fighting sex trafficking".  In fact, none of the people attending were survivors.  Elaine wrote us back the comment was "harmful", "not c


Image For those of you watching the upswing of the "end demand" campaign - I would like you to note a few things.   In 1980 when Linda Lovelace came forward to say she'd been forced to film "Deep Throat" by her pimp holding a gun to her off camera  on a mob financed adult film set where no one stepped up to help her - suddenly we see the Meese Report coming out trying to stamp out porn NOT the situations that allowed her to be forced on that film.  Did it work?  Did porn go away?  Hardly. If anything, it's now everywhere right?   I've seen how Prohibition led to the speakeasy's and Al Capone became a rich man selling bootleg liquor.  Did Prohibition stop drinking? Hardly. Our program, has been effectively helping men and women leave the sex industry