First of all, this whole case I doubt would have even happened if not for this "No Such Thing" campaign which was created WITHOUT the involvement of EITHER which is the oldest, and largest, program to help prostitutes who are under the age of 18 years old which was founded in 1979 NOR that of which is the oldest, and largest, program of exited sex workers, and survivors of sex trafficking, in this country, or the world for that matter.  We were created in 1979, have answered over 500,000 phone calls to our hotline as of 2016, our database has over 190,000 members worldwide, and we have chapters in the USA, Canada, and five other countries where sex work is both legal, and illegal, who are over the legal age of consent depending on which state or country you're talking about as each one has different ages.

This campaign first of all stated there was "no such thing" as a "child prostitute" or "child sex worker".  Really?  In Nevada, there are girls over the age of 16 years of age who are working within the legal strip clubs AND the legal brothels.  They are younger than 18 which is the legal age in California for an adult.  That in my opinion DOES make them a "child sex worker" if not a "child prostitute" by definition.   No you can call that "exploitation" all you want - but they get paychecks and the state of Nevada, and their Labor Dept., calls that a JOB.  So too is it a job to be employed in pornography, a web cam studio, or a phone sex office.  If the government takes taxes - then it's a JOB.

Now you don't LIKE that "job" and think it's "demeaning"?  I assure you more people die of opiad addiction than do from prostitution.  Now are we going to say "pharmacists are being exploited" because we don't agree with the prescribing of opiad drugs?  My mother died from smoking four packs of cigarettes a day.  The tobacco industry has killed more than alcoholics and addicts COMBINED.   The tobacco industry lied for YEARS about their products causing cancer, being addictive, and them inserting chemicals in their products to make them more addictive.   They also target children ESPECIALLY now with bubble gum flavored vaping.  Now am I going to say that anyone working in the tobacco fields is being "exploited"?

What about Rhode Island where up until 2002 it was not only legal to work in a strip club at 16 years of age, it was also legal to work as a prostitute WITHOUT having to give 1/2 of your money to a self-confessed pimp such as Dennis Hof.   That's not 18 years of age, and 16 is too young to drink, smoke, drive or vote.  So it's that not a "child sex worker" what is?

In 1974, the Juvenile Justice Act created a whole generation of juvenile criminals -  For those who are not as old as me (I was born in 1960), I know what happened as a result.  Suddenly, drug dealers and gun runners were targeting youth to get them to run drugs and guns.  I watched as 10 year olds were turned into drug carriers with them in their red wagons, and 16 year olds were drug lords with corvettes.  My mother worked in the juvenile criminal courts in downtown Los Angeles and she said it was like they had lost their minds.   She was telling me adults were hiring kids to do all kinds of heavy, serious crimes, all because they'd just get a slap on the wrists for things that would have gotten an adult sent off for life.

There were so many kids targeted to carry out crime, even Lois Lee has attributed the fact she opened Children of the Night in 1979 to the huge upswing in adults targeting children to do crimes they didn't want to do the time for.  I remember 1974 was when I started being approached to carry drugs, guns, and sell them, be a look-out, anything that an adult could get out of doing.

So now we're going to say the juveniles aren't going to be arrested for prostitution by the adults are?  Wait a minute - let's just throw up a big red target and tell every pimp now who is targeting adults that they're going to be arrested but kiddies aren't?  Give you three guess's what's going to happen next?  THIS is what you create -

AND THIS -  So they're sitting there in a state where a teen mother of two children can't get welfare because she has no GED.   Which I was you - what 15 year old mother of two WOULD?  So the father is a flake, she can't get a job because she's not even 16 years old, can't afford daycare, and these "trafficking" programs have blocked her from any assistance as a prostitute, so no one thought to refer her to to get help and she's probably carrying a gun to defend herself.   Now they're sitting there going "oh gee we can't prosecute her as a juvenile prostitute" but she has the gun.  Again, as a juvenile they could have called  But because of the gun they want to charge her.  They can't as a minor - so let's charge her as an adult.

However, they're in a juvenile court and don't know that in Michigan the prostitutes there are allowed to come to our program instead of jail just as how addicts go to NA meetings.  SWOP for some reason has been refusing to let prostitutes know if convicted they don't have to go to jail, especially if they're mothers, and can get "alternative to incarceration" through coming to our program, where they can avoid jail and keep their kids EVEN where there's mandatory jail time in their sentence since Robin Few died.  Don't know why but since she died, the new leadership seems to think it's preferable for women like Amber Batts to go to jail, lose her kids, lose her husband, lose her home, rather than come to a meeting for some reason.  Hell I'd stand on my head if it meant not going to jail.  Sitting in a program with other ex-sex workers - no I'd rather do that than go to jail.   Which really makes you wonder about how well their leaders are looking out for y'all right now - especially now they've even criminalized a lot to do with the BDSM world recently.

They sure don't seem to be aware of the pimping nor conspiracy laws.  Nor seem to care much about self-incrimination with their new members, nor their local meetings.  But that's another subject - I mean where was SWOP with poor Lathesa Clay?  Before Robin Few died, I would have got a call saying "Hey we need you to send someone over to so and so and get her out of jail" and it would have been done.  So sorry Lathesa, I guess I can't depend on SWOP to have you all's back no more.  I've got some calls into seeing about getting you out of there which should be coming through shortly.

We already learned your prosecutor was thrown out of the case for incompetence.  I mean what are these people thinking putting your kids in foster care where they are more likely to be picked up by traffickers than if we got you into a program?  We know of a residential one right by you - so we're seeing what we can do now Latesha.

There will be more cases like this coming thanks to the policy makers who don't want to include not only groups like ours in their decision making process, but someone who has been around the block a few times and old enough to see what some of these laws do - like how they've just turned every pimp in America off adults and onto teens with this "No Such Thing" campaign.  John McCain - you happy?  Malika Saar - you happy?


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