It's normal to want to do research on someone before you go stepping out into this arena of trying to help someone, or yourself, to leave the sex industry, especially if they're having to leave sex trafficking.  I'm going to show you some examples here of why I'm learning I have to  take what I read in the media these days with a grain of salt.

I read this article where it says that "deputies are patrolling undercover looking for underage prostitutes forced into the trade".  Well why waste all that time "looking" when I know right where some are I'm thinking?

I wrote Jim McDonnell's office and asked if I could speak to him about this.  He was running for office for Sheriff so I figured certainly he'd answer.   But I didn't get a response until he won the election from his press assistant MONTHS after I sent in my email, and my background information on Sex Workers Anonymous.  She said that "they were in transition" and "once she knew what their policy was going to be then she'd have the right person get in touch with me".  (Note - no one has still gotten back to me.)

Now wait a minute.  Policy?  This says they're "patrolling" already. Well I need to speak to whoever this is I explain.  "Oh that - that is what we CAN do not what we're DOING" she tells me.


She explains to me that this article was to show people what he "could" be doing if Jim got elected - not that he's actually doing this.  I told her the article sure looked like "doing" present tense active to me.   I explained to her I've been doing this type of work since 1987 and wanted to talk to someone in Long Beach about doing some type of outreach work down there with them based on me having been doing that kind of work effectively since the 1980's.  She said someone would get back to me.

Since then, Long Beach has received $650,000 to set up a task force.  No one has called or emailed me about anything.  Now mind you - I'm the founder of the movement itself.  I created the first outreach, the first program for adults, the first hotline, etc.

What I find interesting in this article is what's left out.  Where are the male victims for one thing?  Why won't anyone call me back about the information I have on the heads of a multi-national trafficking ring who reside in Pasadena, California?  I guess easier to go after some videotape about some street pimps seen in a target.  Isn't this whole thing a bit racist?  I keep seeing the cops focusing on African American street pimps - but not on those who might be Asian, white, Russian, etc.  Just street pimps.  I mean while he's doing this - I can point him in a direction where he can just scoop them up.  But I'm not hearing from him despite sending faxes, emails and leaving voice messages.

So I see Don Knabe in the article.  I've written him too offering to help and be a resource.  I get no answer to the facebook, email, or fax messages I've sent him.  My phone calls go unreturned.

Where's mention of Children of the Night?  They created the first hotline for child prostitutes and the first program which is still operating right in Van Nuys, California.   They operate a program where I've seen their good work.  They have beds and are up and running - so why are these articles talking like "nothing exists".  Again I'm not working with them in any way and I know there's other programs out there - I'm just using one as an example of a program I know is there, effective, and can take a kid in now.  So I asked Lois if she's getting any of these child victims put into her program.  She's telling me they "don't exist".   She assured me that they "checked out that program" and that when she's dispatched someone to go talk to these so called "victims" they either don't exist or they're an abuse victim being called a "trafficking survivor".

What?  The media is lying to us?  I was watching the documentary about the "Amazing Randi" on Netflix recently.  He told about how he pulled pranks all the time with fake news articles he said no one bothered to check out.  Check out this article about Kevin Brown.

When this guy called me up talking about Kevin Brown's "outreach" and how he was "taking women to a ranch and getting them out of prostitution" I asked him to see the ranch, meet his success stories, etc.  He start stuttering, blows me off and disappears.  That's because it was all fake.  There was no outreach, no success stories, and the women in the show "8 Minutes" were hired to pretend to be rescued.  Someone is pulling a pretty big con on us here. 

Check this out - a lot of money to announce a campaign to "spread awareness about sex trafficking" and our kids.  Now again Children of the Night runs a hotline and has a residential program right in Van Nuys, California.  I don't see Lois Lee anywhere in this press conference - do you?  This press conference is dated April 22, 2014.  Now she has a program and hotline again of very highly trained staff - so highly she trains other hotlines.  I can't help but wonder why are they re-inventing the wheel here?  Why aren't they putting up her hotline number or mine even for that matter?

 I mean how experienced can the people be answering these calls I can't help but wonder.  Trust me - you have to know how to handle these calls too.  Think you don't?  How about this call "I've just drugged my pimp with knock-out drops and he's out cold.  But I can't roll him over and he's sleeping on his wallet with all the money and my ID in it.  I can't call the police for help.  I have no clothes because he burned them during the argument we had before I knocked him out.  So I can't leave the room.  What do I do?"

TRUST ME - you need someone on the line who knows how to handle calls like this.  That by the way was a real call.  In her case, I asked her what hotel she as in.  She told me.  I called down to the manager at the desk and asked him if he'd be willing to take one of the maid uniforms up to her room to help her.  He agreed.  I told him the situation, told him to get her dressed and out of the room before the ambulance came.  I told him he didn't need any more bad press than this would be.  I then told him and her that a SWA member would be by in a few minutes to pick her up and sort her out.  The manager went and got her dressed and put her in the next room while the ambulance came to make sure the pimp was okay.  Then a local SWA member came and got her and then drove her to the nearest domestic violence shelter.  Problem solved.  That woman has five years clean now and out of prostitution.

Anyway, a lot of money for billboards and signs that directed  people to go to went up   I then took a screen shot of what was at that web address when I went to check it out.  The press conference was held in April right?  Check out an email I sent Mark in October of 2014 stating the web link was going to a bus schedule.  So for SIX MONTHS if a victim of sex trafficking tried to reach out for help when they went to that address - they got a bus schedule that looked identical to this page -  Meaning the site hadn't been built or uploaded yet.  Think about this - for six months after the press conference - no site was up.

I wrote a few more emails to Mark stating that six months AFTER his press conference, the web address on his campaign was going to a bus schedule.  He never returned my calls, answered my emails, etc.  That was a lot of money also for these signs.  However, everywhere these signs were placed they could have been placed for free and then that cash used to actually provide services such as housing, counseling, outreach, etc.

About two weeks ago, I went again to the link to see how the progress was going.  This was up there as of July of 2015.   Now the website says to "call to report someone you think is a trafficking victim".  I DON'T see anything like "if you want away from a pimp - call this number".  I don't see anything on here in fact that would tell me I can call that phone number to get help.

Only guess what?  Most victims are what are called "millennials".   Those are the young people right now.  Young people don't like to call 800 numbers or people generally.  They're a "texting" generation.  That aside - do you honestly think any phone a victim goes near that a pimp isn't going to have a phone app on there that notifies them of whatever call she's making?  Which they do.

The pimps have shown me, bragging, about how any incoming or outgoing call into her phone is sent immediately back to their phone on an alert.  Further, not only do they know the phone number of anyone calling or being called immediately - but that they can HEAR the phone call.  I had coffee with a pimp in Las Vegas who showed me that whenever anyone using one of his phones talks to someone - a text of the conversation is sent back to her phone.  Smart phones can also trace locations of where the phone is going.  Meaning without calling anyone - if she tries to leave the house he'll know about it the minute she does because he'll be alerted she's moving and where she's going.

Don Knabe was putting a lot of money and energy into a court program where supposedly teen victims are getting help.  Here's a link to a news article about it.  Note please note the quote from D'lita Miller.  I first spoke to D'Lita Miller in connection with the show "8 Minutes".  She called me up before a CNN appearance basically wanting me to co-sign what she was going to say.  She wanted to try and run by me that "there's no resources for trafficking victims".  I said "that's not true - there's lots of resources for trafficking victims".

She then went into this whole rap about how when she needed help for her daughter "nothing existed".  I said "that's not true - did you call Children of the Night?"  And she said "who?"  I'm like wait a minute - you're in Los Angeles working with trafficking victims and you don't know about CON?  She had no idea who I was, or who CON was.  I then started naming off some other programs like the Dream Center in Los Angeles for one.  Covenant House for another.  She clearly had no idea what i was talking about.  I finally told her "look - we can get any victim just about any resource you can think of they need".  She then started telling me how "over whelmed she was" trying to find resources for victims she couldn't find.  I told her basically that was ridiculous.

There are plenty of resources and I offered to meet with her to show her where they were, how to access them, etc.  I mean I've been doing this since 1987 starting in Los Angeles - I know where to find whatever they need.  She then stopped talking to me completely.  Stopped returning my calls and stopped returning my emails.  Now this was a personal issue of her not liking me - I let her know we had other members she could speak to that would be happy to work with her to help the victims she's working with.  I still got no response out of her.  Again, if you're going to start an alcoholic treatment program wouldn't you at least talk to Bill Wilson for five minutes before doing so?   I'm wondering why she's not interested in talking to our recovering members or finding out about the resources in town i'm aware of  - so I went to check on her website.  Now in case it changes from what it is now - ask me for the original screenshot.  I'll show you because I keep finding the minute I start pointing to things - they change.  So I screen shot.

Pretty picture - but I see no phone number for victims to call who need help.  Okay maybe she's got a built-in referral system where the victims already know her phone number.  Okay well well about those who lose her phone number or hear about her work?  Where is the number for them to call?   I also don't see anything about what type of program she's offering.  Is is peer support?   Do they have PTSD therapy or drug treatment?  Do they help with job training or housing?  I mean what does she offer?  I see she's baking breadsticks - but where's the program?

I watch the CNN show and she tells the audience three different stories.  The social media is going nuts saying her stories "don't match".  But she did say basically she was a "consultant' for Kevin Brown's "program" that he was taking prostitutes into on the show "8 Minutes".  Only Kevin Brown didn't have a "program".  The women on the show were paid $200 to act as prostitutes.  Polaris even asked Kevin not to use their phone number.  The "success stories" admitted they were actors.  The pimps on the show were also paid to pretend to be pimps.  I remember when his assistant called me up saying he had a "program" I asked to see it and the guy ran off.  If there had really been a program - he wouldn't have had to hire actors to pretend to be rescued.   Now if the guy was running a bogus program that he was lying to the LA Times, to CNN and even for the cameras on the show "8 Minutes" and there is no program - how can D'Lita Miller be a "consultant"?   If she is talking to "real" victims - how can she help them without resources as she claims?  The MINUTE I posted online that the show "8 Minutes" was a fake and I intended to sue for fraud and defamation - the show was literally canceled four hours later.  All the videos of the show taken off the website.  Now canceled shows leave their videos up online all the time.  They're covering up that the whole show was a complete fraud.  Meaning that D'Lita was a part of it.

That aside - if she's working with real victims they should know about where there's real experienced true help they can access.  ESPECIALLY if any of those victims are suffering trafficking at the hands of law enforcement like the ones I'm talking to all over this country who are.   So I repeated to her that I wanted to show her how to resources and help for these victims and asked to meet with her to show her what I know and could offer victims.  Not me personally - but programs I know about that are good solid programs.  Job Corp. in some cities is really good.  I know kids that have entered the Job Corp. and they've come out with  a degree, a job, and their own apartment.  DeVry has a wonderful program where they offer housing, food, scholarships, and a student can start a class at any time.  I mean there's just so much more.  But when i offered to show her where they are - she bails on me.   Makes no sense.

Unless you realize she's helping to apply for a $3 million dollar grant by saying "there's no resources" then it makes more sense why she doesn't want to hear about existing services.   Oh but she has this on her site.    When I started up SWA - I interviewed over 2,000 prostitutes still in the game as to what they needed.  I also asked them about their "relapses" and what led them back.  Then I interviewed another 2,000 who were "out" of the sex industry at least five years and clean from drugs.  After that, we formed a mentor board of people who had founded and ran effective programs like AA, NA, OA, DA, GA, etc.  

From that we then spent TWO YEARS running experimental groups and workshops until we found a system or program that WORKED.  Because what we found before that was you could offer them a house, a job, free drug treatment and a free scholarship - and all they would do would be run right back to sex work.  Something else had to be done to stop that cycle.  That something that got built into our program.   So you'll have to excuse me if I look at this "curriculum" and laugh a bit.   Speaking as a con artist in recovery - I know bullshit when I see it.   Well the links to a homeless center in San Diego at least came down.  Those were up on her site until about a week ago.  I have screen shots to show this.

I'm sorry but "Woman of the Year" means nothing to me.  Can anyone say "Samoly Mam"?  She got a lot of awards too - didn't mean I didn't smell bullshit there too.  Now if you read what they do - they "work with existing services" within the probation and the county mental health department - which quite a few people are protesting right now.

At the July 14, 2015 meeting of the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors - two people got up and accused the board of there being active "pimping going on right in the foster care system and no one is doing anything about it" and a mother got up to say her kids had been taken from her illegally, they had been abused, and now she had them back "no one was investigating what happened to her".

Now to be at that meeting - one has to sign in.  There is a record of their names.  To see if what they said was true - that "no one was investigating" I wrote an email to all of the supervisors.  I asked them who those people were and if their accusations were being investigated.  The only response I got was from Sheila telling her assistant to "look into this" for her.  I still haven't heard a word back.  Yet real priority here.  Watch the boardcast to see what I mean.  Because from what I'm seeing - money is being put into a system that doesn't work and a religious program that's cleaned up their website a lot recently.  I know because when I went onto the "Saving Innocence" program they were having workshops to teach these young girls how to be "virgins again".  I'm sorry - poetry and art classes?  Who is doing this?   Well a woman who didn't see straight through Kevin Brown in five minutes.  Something is very very wrong here.

By the way, they know we offer real services that work.  They had someone call our hotline to try and "fake me out" who got very upset when we passed muster.  Shame.  Because if they were really about helping victims - they'd be talking to us about how we're doing it.  Not trying to poke holes in us because we're whistle blowing.

These are just a few examples of what I've seen in the media that just aren't what they appear to be.  So approach any media you find with a bit of caution and check out your sources.  What they print bout isn't always what is happening.  Also, the people on these committees need someone on them who understands how pimps operate and control their victims.

We have an 800 number - 888 253-9619 - where victims can call us from any pay phone to get help.  That way the call is not traced or tracked.  Also, they can call 702 4684529 collect from a hotel phone or even from jail.  I've gotten many a call from jail because it's the only time their pimp isn't watching them 24/7 and they can talk.  Then I've made arrangements to pick them up when they got released and they just lied to the pimp about the date they are getting released.  Then we have a SWA member that can be pick them up from jail and take them to a safe house.

What I've found however, is that whenever we've been welcomed onto these committees that are actually trying to do something - they're trying to do something to help victims.  The problem is what I've been seeing lately is that people are using trafficking money as their personal kitty to dip into whenever they need cash.   For those phony committees - no we're not allowed on them.  I'll go into these types of things more in another article.  But for here - I'm just pointing out you can't always believe what you read is true.

What's happening here is the taxpayers are thinking something is being done.  They're looking up at these signs and thinking "oh someone is doing something".  Well they aren't.  The victims don't even see this type of sign - and if they do it's not something they can use.  When a pimp finds out you've called someone for help - there's hell to pay.  So they don't call for help unless they think they can do it without the pimp finding out.  Right now with cell phones built the way they are - most aren't going to pick up a phone and call a number for help.  Taxpayers' money is being wasted and that opportunity to help a victim has been lost.  That might be your son or daughter trying to find a way home next time.  Remember that.

(copyright 2015 J. Williams - All Rights Reserved)


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